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Ecosolv is 100% hydrocarbon-based, and its flash point lies within the NFPA standards for ClassIIA solvents (above 140 and below 200 °F). To the drycleaner, this means that with the proper permitting, this product can be used in cleaning processes currently using Stoddard or other hydrocarbon or petroleum solvent



The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has approved EcoSolv® fluid under its NYSDEC Air Facility Registration program for dry-to-dry, closed loop machinery.

When compared to traditional Stoddard solvents, the higher flash point of EcoSolv fluid translates to increased safety. Its lower vapor pressure means that you will lose less solvent to evaporation, resulting in cost savings in your operation.

Some important features of EcoSolv drycleaning fluid include:

  • The drying time for EcoSolv fluid is identical to that of two competing high flash solvents tested. Upon switching to EcoSolv drycleaning fluid, your garment processing time should remain the same as with these other hydrocarbon solvents.
  • EcoSolv fluid mixes readily with most drycleaning additives that are used with hydrocarbon drycleaning solvents.
  • EcoSolv fluid is 100% biodegradable.
  • Dye and soil transfer during the drycleaning operation are minimized when EcoSolv fluid is used with both anionic and cationic detergent formulations. This translates to cleaner garments for your customers.
  • EcoSolv drycleaning fluid is essentially odorless, reducing the need for deodorizers. Your customers will appreciate how clean and fresh their garments smell when you use EcoSolv fluid in place of other Stoddard solvents.

We also offer a lower flashpoint drycleaning solvent, marketed as HC-DCF Low Flash  solvent.

Always be sure to check with your equipment manufacturer to ensure that your machines are compatible with EcoSolv drycleaning fluid.

Product CodePackaging
EcoSolv 55 Gallon Pail
EcoSolv 5555 Gallon Drum


Before using any chemical product, review the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for safe handling and proper disposal

ECOSOLV Dry Cleaning Fluid

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